Wigilia na Wschodniej: Julia Krivoguz i Rastsislau Permiakou zdążyli zawieźć już Groszkiem z hostelu na lotnisko w Modlinie siedmioosobową grupę uchodźców ukraińskich wylatujących dziś o 10.45 do Oslo.
Christmas Eve in the Eastern: Yulia Krivoguz and Rastsislau Permiakou have already managed to drive a group of seven Ukrainian refugees flying at 10:45 a.m. today to Oslo by Penny from their hostel to Modlin airport.
W Ukrainie zdecydowano, że Święta Bożego Narodzenia obchodzone będą wedle kalendarza nowojuliańskiego, czyli tak jak w Polsce – 25 grudnia, aby nie świętować w tym samym terminie, co rosyjscy okupanci.
In Ukraine, it has been decided that Christmas will be celebrated according to the Novo-Yulian calendar, i.e. as in Poland – December 25, so as not to celebrate on the same date as the Russian occupiers.
Wczoraj Julia Krivoguz i Олег Пермяков w jednym z lokali Gorąco Polecam. Smaki z piekarni pozyskali 20 kg pysznego jedzenia dla uchodźców dzięki Foodsharing Warszawa.
Yesterday Julia Krivoguz and Олег Пермяков in one shop of Gorąco Polecam. Smaki z piekarni have picked up 20 kg of delicious food for the refugees, thanks to the Warsaw Foodsharing.

We ask you: help us to help you. We operate only thanks to your support. For 21 months we have been performing the duties of the state, local governments and large aid organizations without any help from them (since May this year without any salaries, which is all the more troublesome because the core of our team is precisely refugees). Groszek’s rent is 4800 PLN per month (the cheapest in Warsaw), in addition to which we spend about 1000 PLN per week on fuel, helping dozens of rescued people every day. And there are days when we help more than a hundred. Account number, dropbox and PayPal links at the end of the post.
Relokacja międzynarodowa uchodźców/international relocation of refugees Asymetryści/ Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet/ TPU – Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ukrainy in the NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council at East Railway Station in Warsaw.
Każda wasza wpłata ratuje życie ludzi i zwierząt – ofiar rosyjskiej napaści na Ukrainę/ Each of your contributions saves the lives of people and animals – victims of the Russian assault on Ukraine.
Numer konta bankowego fundacji Asymetryści/Asymmetrists Foundation bank account number:
13 1140 2004 0000 3302 8076 9295
IBAN PL73 1140 2004 0000 3612 1816 2973